Hartfordbridge Flats, North Hampshire Saturday 11 July 2015

A joint meeting with the Hampshire Flora Group, to record the Hampshire Wildlife Trust’s new heathland reserve at Hartfordbridge Flats. The HWT have recently taken on the management of this part of the Yateley Common SSSI for the private owner. It is a strip of heathland immediately south of Blackbushe Airport and the A30, about 1.6km long and 180m wide. The Flora Group has been requested to make a baseline botanical survey before grazing begins on the site. The WLG was to record the lichens. We met in the Bush Café car park, Terminal Buildings, Blackbushe Airport GU17 9LQ, SU8085 5880. We met at 10.30am and we started with at least a cup in the café as ‘courtesy payment’ for using their car park. Report in preparation.

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